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Pink Taser for Women

By Peggy Hamil

There are few women that want to be a victim of a violent crime but it happens to many on a daily basis right here in the United States and that is the perfect reason why you need to be safe and own a pink taser.

1. Having a peace of mind should something bad happen is one of the main reasons why women decide to purchase a pink taser. A taser permits them to travel in confidence knowing that they can defend themselves if something bad were to happen. Like many, you have undoubtedly been in situations where you were vulnerable and wished that you had a taser at your side.

2. Based on the National College Women Victimization Study, anywhere between 1 to 5 ladies were the victims of an attempted rape or completed rape while in college. Don't be a victim.

3. It is well known that men perpetrate the majority of their violent crimes against women and that trend continues even today. Most women are not strong enough to fend off a violent man but the pink taser can stop them in their tracks.

4. Did you realize that more than sixty four percent of ladies who are raped were victims of former husbands, dates, or boyfriends?

5. The pink taser is different from stun guns that you may see on the market because it allows you to have long distance protection. It is not required that you make physical contact with an assailant in order to disable them. The pink taser can fire from up to 15 feet away and that gives you a needed safety zone.

6. The pink taser comes with a safety mechanism that will keep your attacker incapacitated for up to 30 seconds. This will allow you to place the taser on the ground and escape. Also, if you provide a simple police report, you will be able to have the taser you left behind replaced.

7. Women also want the ability to safeguard their families. If you think about it, everyone is just not comfortable carrying or owning a gun so the next best option is a pink taser. You can literally stop an unsuspecting attacker without the worry of killing him.

8. It is estimated that 17.6% of the women in the United States have been a victim of an attempted or finalized sexual rape. Of those rapes, less than 27% were actually reported to local law enforcement. Which basically means the criminal is left out there to attack again. Don't be his next victim.

9. 70% of sex crime victims did state that they tried to protect themselves in some way. The most common way was by struggling. Do you really want to struggle or end the attack with a pink taser?

10. A pink Taser C2 has been shown in various police studies to have a better stopping and instant incapacitation power than a 9mm handgun. It effectively uses over 50,000 high powered volts to over-ride the nervous system of the attacker.

These are just a few of the many reasons why you should own a pink taser for personal protection and peace of mind. The world is a very dangerous place at times so don't be a victim and do whatever it takes to protect yourself.

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