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internet network marketing

By Felix Butler

Discover Internet Network Marketing

Internet marketing and network marketing have blurred lines these days as the two pretty much exist in tandem. Internet marketing covers lots of types of selling, whether it is right from an internet site, via social media, blogs, forums, or Squidoo lenses. Network marketing is the means of not only selling, but recruiting others to sell for you, and this may be done by using any of the techniques above also. Thru the internet we will be able to reveal our companies and products to millions of people. Gone are the days of hassling friends and relatives to join our network or purchase our product!

Video, Internet and Network Marketing

The hottest platform in both "internet and network marketing" is video and a trip around YouTube will show you just what number of folks are promoting their products, and many of them are making thousands of dollars monthly just by using YouTube. There's not one successful network or internet marketing guru that doesn't use video these days. You may not like what these experts are selling, but learn from them and watch how they use video especially to promote their products.

They send them in emails, they send them through blogs, they're used in promotions and on their websites. People love videos too , everybody likes to do 2 things at once these days, and while we are listening or watching a video we will really do something else, because it's simple. We also recognise the same faces and if we like what we hear and the face we are looking at, then we have fallen for attraction marketing - which is one of the most powerful methods to fuse the internet and network marketing together for out of this world, lucrative results.

Lights! Action!

Scared to death of a camera? It doubtless ranks right behind public presenting on the horror factor swindle. But if you are going to achieve success mixing the internet and network marketing you will simply have to get over it! Scared of the technicalities? There's no need to be if you have a camera and a mic and the right software there are numerous glorious firms on the internet that can help you produce good videos. The appliances are insanely cheap these days, so that's no excuse. Get dumb? Rehearse and write a script. I'm sorry if you do not like the way in which you look, there's not much that may be done.

If your first couple of videos are dickey, even funny, post them anyhow, this is all a part of attraction marketing and if folk see you are just like them, they can warm to you. It won't take long before you are making perfect tiny videos each day, but please keep them short. Everybody's in a hurry these days don't take an hour to assert what could possibly be related in 5 minutes or you can bore people to death.

You are broadcasting to potentially millions but being watched by one at a time. Remember that and treat that person ( everyone ) like they are your friend, grin and be positive and learn to use positive language also , like using the word "will" rather than "could". Using video as a selling tool is only a tiny part of internet and network marketing because you have to find out how to get your new video to rank on the search engines so as to build traffic, leads and sales.

Effective sales and marketing is the key - without reference to the type of content you are need to promote. There are lots of online systems you can use to generate a steady stream of leads, qualify those leads instantly, produce a pleasant stream of revenue in any case if they join your business or not, and literally boost your business on automatic. Here's what we advocate.

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