Is article marketing one of your online marketing strategies for your business? Well, if not, article marketing is one strategy you need to consider seriously if you intend to build your business online. Very often, people think that online marketing is just about building a nice looking website. Once they do that, they sit back and waiting for the cash to flow in. However, online marketing takes a lot more than that. It takes a lot of work and patience to get good results and require updating your site on a regularly and consistently.
The foundation of any successful website nowadays is the careful selection of keywords. It is really important for one's web site to have keywords. If someone sells products like shoes, and makes the word 'shoes' the keyword, he or she will realize that there are many millions of results which will show up if this keyword is put into a browser. This point brings in the issue of long tail keywords. Long tails are vital phrases which are utilized for easier identification processes. If the vendor has the word "leather sneakers" as the key-phrase, he's going to get excellent results. Keywords that have long tails are very important. Search engines such as Google provide keyword tools that are free to use. These tools are vital when searching for particular key phrases.
You can start your keyword search with the Google Keyword Tool which is a good free tool, though there are other better keyword finders, however, you may have to pay for them. Using our example of "leather sneakers", the Google keyword tool will return phrases like "red leather shoes", "where to buy leather shoes" and many others, and then it will be your decision to decide which long-tail keyphrase phrases you want to use. It is best to go for somewhere in mid range of say 3,000 - 6,000 searches per month for the particular keyword you choose otherwise searches greater than that may have too much competition and it will be difficult for your article to rank high in the search engines. Your target is to get on the 1st page of Google's search results.
Google looks for websites that are updated constantly and contain content that has relevancy to the theme of the site. By incorporating your chosen keyword into your well-written articles and submitting them each day or two will keep automatic bots and visitors coming back. Keywords should be incorporated in the 1st and last paragraphs with a smattering in the body of the article. If you incorporate Google Adwords on your website, those keywords will trigger acceptable adverts.
Then there are backlinks!- the curse of any website owner. There is no easy method to get around building good important backlinks. Do not consider buying backlinks from a link firm as Google knows all about them and will pay little attention to them or even penalise you for them. Wordpress plugins such as ABC may give backlinks but are not sufficient. The ones that are regarded are those from 'do follow' blogs.
The best way to get backlinks is through article marketing as most article directories allow you to have at least one link out to your website, so again, you'll have to be prepared to submit useful and topical articles, either directly to an article marketing site, or to several via a "hub" like Unique Article Wizard that may distribute your articles to several sites for you. This does not cost a great deal and can be a time-saving way of doing it. With article marketing, you can't go wrong because traffic will continue to flow back to your site even months and years to come. Article marketing involves some considerable time but it is rewarding! Article marketing does not have to be hard. You can for instance hire a writer and one of the best places to look is Remember the key words? Your article marketing posts should be key word rich so when you hire someone to write your articles, you should emphasize this.
Of all the techniques involved in successfully marketing your business online, article marketing is one of the most important and cheapest you can get started with. Wishing you the best of success with your article marketing and business growth!
The foundation of any successful website nowadays is the careful selection of keywords. It is really important for one's web site to have keywords. If someone sells products like shoes, and makes the word 'shoes' the keyword, he or she will realize that there are many millions of results which will show up if this keyword is put into a browser. This point brings in the issue of long tail keywords. Long tails are vital phrases which are utilized for easier identification processes. If the vendor has the word "leather sneakers" as the key-phrase, he's going to get excellent results. Keywords that have long tails are very important. Search engines such as Google provide keyword tools that are free to use. These tools are vital when searching for particular key phrases.
You can start your keyword search with the Google Keyword Tool which is a good free tool, though there are other better keyword finders, however, you may have to pay for them. Using our example of "leather sneakers", the Google keyword tool will return phrases like "red leather shoes", "where to buy leather shoes" and many others, and then it will be your decision to decide which long-tail keyphrase phrases you want to use. It is best to go for somewhere in mid range of say 3,000 - 6,000 searches per month for the particular keyword you choose otherwise searches greater than that may have too much competition and it will be difficult for your article to rank high in the search engines. Your target is to get on the 1st page of Google's search results.
Google looks for websites that are updated constantly and contain content that has relevancy to the theme of the site. By incorporating your chosen keyword into your well-written articles and submitting them each day or two will keep automatic bots and visitors coming back. Keywords should be incorporated in the 1st and last paragraphs with a smattering in the body of the article. If you incorporate Google Adwords on your website, those keywords will trigger acceptable adverts.
Then there are backlinks!- the curse of any website owner. There is no easy method to get around building good important backlinks. Do not consider buying backlinks from a link firm as Google knows all about them and will pay little attention to them or even penalise you for them. Wordpress plugins such as ABC may give backlinks but are not sufficient. The ones that are regarded are those from 'do follow' blogs.
The best way to get backlinks is through article marketing as most article directories allow you to have at least one link out to your website, so again, you'll have to be prepared to submit useful and topical articles, either directly to an article marketing site, or to several via a "hub" like Unique Article Wizard that may distribute your articles to several sites for you. This does not cost a great deal and can be a time-saving way of doing it. With article marketing, you can't go wrong because traffic will continue to flow back to your site even months and years to come. Article marketing involves some considerable time but it is rewarding! Article marketing does not have to be hard. You can for instance hire a writer and one of the best places to look is Remember the key words? Your article marketing posts should be key word rich so when you hire someone to write your articles, you should emphasize this.
Of all the techniques involved in successfully marketing your business online, article marketing is one of the most important and cheapest you can get started with. Wishing you the best of success with your article marketing and business growth!
About the Author:
If you enjoyed this article about ARTICLE MARKETING, visit Ruthida Namubiru's site for more tips about building your ONLINE BUSINESS.
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