You may have heard the phrase attraction marketing, but what is attraction marketing exactly? Attraction Marketing is a simple technique that has been effective for home based entrepreneurs, internet marketers, network marketers, independent business owners, affiliate online marketers, or whatever it is that you prefer to call yourself. The approach is rather simple. Instead of discussing and pushing your business opportunity, products, or services; you provide valuable and beneficial info to your potential customers that will give answers and solutions to their problems and questions. In turn, you become the go-to person in specific areas, and individuals are drawn to you for your help.
If you are writing an article or blogging you can point out a product or service that you have actually found beneficial and valuable by giving a link; but you do not go into detail on just how amazing you think the product or service is and begin giving a sales pitch. Typically the links to the products and services are given at the end AFTER the value and help has been given. This is called leading with value. At this point it is left to the reader if they want to follow the link and investigate further. This is giving the reader the option to purchase, and they do not think they are being sold. People like to buy, but they hate to be sold to!
Most network marketers deal with the following two issues: lack of leads and lack of cash. A good attraction marketing system will fix both of these situations. Great attraction marketing systems give your niche market audience answers to difficulties they are having. This kind of system places you in the position of "the hunted" and not "the hunter." Attraction marketing systems allow you to position yourself as a leader or professional. Since attraction marketing systems consist of several affiliate programs that empower you to target your niche market audience with appropriate content, this permits you to generate leads for your network marketing business. Leads are then passed through your affiliate funnel, offering them relevant details to tackle their problems.
A good attraction marketing system should feature, but not be limited to, step-by-step marketing methods on how to use social marketing (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, and Twitter); video marketing; pay-per-click marketing; forum marketing; content/article marketing; blogging, free classifieds; Ezine/solo advertisements; and keyword research, merely to name a few.
Attraction marketing in our present world has been emerging all over the web. You can observe this all over the internet via social networks, blogs, videos, etc. The internet has created an even playing field for lots of people because the beginning price-point is so reasonable.
Before we had all of these on-line communities it was challenging and pricey to do efficient attraction marketing. It took lots of cash to develop a helpful video or a brochure and then get it out to the masses. Today using the internet you can have a personal website with your helpful content and send it out to the masses at very little cost. Lots of people are utilizing attraction marketing to promote themselves. The people that do this correctly are creating fortunes online. It all really comes down to how well you market yourself. Many individuals are trying to market a product or a company and they are getting nowhere. There is an effortless solution. Just market you and you will discover success. Share your experiences, share your expertise, and share the tools or services that you use to bring yourself success; share your story!
If you reach out with a solution, have the expertise to back it all up as an expert and leader, and you understand why you're reaching out (it's important to understand your why!) then you will naturally attract individuals to you. Individuals will be drawn to you, and even if they do not work with you immediately, they will at some point; or they could just refer somebody to you! What is attraction marketing -- leading with value!
If you are writing an article or blogging you can point out a product or service that you have actually found beneficial and valuable by giving a link; but you do not go into detail on just how amazing you think the product or service is and begin giving a sales pitch. Typically the links to the products and services are given at the end AFTER the value and help has been given. This is called leading with value. At this point it is left to the reader if they want to follow the link and investigate further. This is giving the reader the option to purchase, and they do not think they are being sold. People like to buy, but they hate to be sold to!
Most network marketers deal with the following two issues: lack of leads and lack of cash. A good attraction marketing system will fix both of these situations. Great attraction marketing systems give your niche market audience answers to difficulties they are having. This kind of system places you in the position of "the hunted" and not "the hunter." Attraction marketing systems allow you to position yourself as a leader or professional. Since attraction marketing systems consist of several affiliate programs that empower you to target your niche market audience with appropriate content, this permits you to generate leads for your network marketing business. Leads are then passed through your affiliate funnel, offering them relevant details to tackle their problems.
A good attraction marketing system should feature, but not be limited to, step-by-step marketing methods on how to use social marketing (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, and Twitter); video marketing; pay-per-click marketing; forum marketing; content/article marketing; blogging, free classifieds; Ezine/solo advertisements; and keyword research, merely to name a few.
Attraction marketing in our present world has been emerging all over the web. You can observe this all over the internet via social networks, blogs, videos, etc. The internet has created an even playing field for lots of people because the beginning price-point is so reasonable.
Before we had all of these on-line communities it was challenging and pricey to do efficient attraction marketing. It took lots of cash to develop a helpful video or a brochure and then get it out to the masses. Today using the internet you can have a personal website with your helpful content and send it out to the masses at very little cost. Lots of people are utilizing attraction marketing to promote themselves. The people that do this correctly are creating fortunes online. It all really comes down to how well you market yourself. Many individuals are trying to market a product or a company and they are getting nowhere. There is an effortless solution. Just market you and you will discover success. Share your experiences, share your expertise, and share the tools or services that you use to bring yourself success; share your story!
If you reach out with a solution, have the expertise to back it all up as an expert and leader, and you understand why you're reaching out (it's important to understand your why!) then you will naturally attract individuals to you. Individuals will be drawn to you, and even if they do not work with you immediately, they will at some point; or they could just refer somebody to you! What is attraction marketing -- leading with value!
About the Author:
The question to what is attraction marketing has been answered. Now find out even more about attraction marketing by getting your free attraction marketing videos.
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