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Agile Marketers Do it Better!

By Jonathan X. Livingsworth

In his recent blog "7 Reasons Why Agile Marketers are Better at Their Jobs Than You," Corey Eridon said that an agile marketer streamlines the marketing process to obtain the best results. He doesn't necessarily wait for permission or wade through the bureaucratic red-tape before acting and finding ways to press a project forward. You know what they say; sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Three qualities inherent in every agile marketer:

Agile marketers produce more content.

Agile marketers don't wait for fifteen people to approve one blog or one article, sacrificing the flow of the creative processes. It is just as important to produce and publish content that is current as well as accurate. It is a fine balance between speed and quality of content but understand, not everything has to be perfect.

Understand that not every sentence has to be critiqued by a panel of literary professionals before it goes live on the web. An agile marketer enlists the skills of trusted and capable coworker to review work for flow, grammar, spelling, and structure. The review doesn't have to take all day, Eridon suggests that 15-20 minutes will suffice. Streamlining the creative process not only creates more efficiency but it also produces more quality content in a shorter amount of time. The more quality content your company produces, the better off it will be.

Aglie marketers involve themselves in social media conversations.

While many companies choose to restrict access to social media in the work place, it is an absolute must when it comes to social media marketing. Agile marketers have to be able to navigate various social media platforms while being able to engage and contribute to a variety of social conversations. They have to keep their fingers on the pulse of what's current. Actively participating in online social conversations reaffirms to the audience that your company knows what's going on in the online marketplace and shows that your company is relevant to those conversations.

Agile marketers use all available tools and resources to make quick, actionable decisions.

Understanding where a company stands and knowing what a company's goals are, enables a smart marketer to best define a winning strategy. Agile marketers use analytics to track hit count, leads, and actual sales. Analytics can also show how each of those number relate to monthly, quarterly, and annual sales goals. Metrics are used to provide quantifiable feedback on a company's performance, revenues, and EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization).

Agile marketers create new webpages and launch offers quickly. It takes minutes, not days to produce and upload landing pages. Remaining open-minded is essential. Referral traffic and leads can be generated from even the most unlikely of sources. It's also important to have a short term memory. Not everything you try will be a success, so when it's not, learn from it and move on. Whatever the results, agile marketers are not afraid to try something new.

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