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Tips to Get Your Site Crawled More Often by Search Engines

By Colette Cameron

You can increase the crawl rate for your site without a lot of effort if you know the right steps to take. This is what you have to do to get those results. All you really have to do to get more visits from search engine crawlers is make your site look better to them. Google wants to send people to websites that offer good, valuable content to the general public. So your mission is to make sure that your site gives Google exactly what it's looking for so that your site can be rolling in crawlers before you know what's hit you.

One of the reasons why some sites have a poor crawl rate is because of the slow loading speed they offer. If you're trying to attract faster visits from Google bots then your load times (and reducing them effectively) need to be your first priority. There are quite a few small changes you can make that will greatly reduce the time it takes your page to load. Use fewer images and graphics on your site and reduce their sizes whenever possible in order to greatly reduce the load time for your pages. Use your common sense to see what could be slowing down the speed and how you can rev it up for better response.

Make sure you interlink pages on your site that are relevant as this will help improve your page's rank while also enticing more frequent visits from search engines. Creating a strong internal linking structure will help you in more than one way because Google really values pages that are interlinked correctly. Google sees this practice and believes you are going the extra mile to not only offer excellent content for your visitors but also to make it easy for them to access to full scope of the great content you have available. But it's important to make sure that you're not interlinking for the sake of doing so and that you're only linking to relevant pages.

Did you know all the major search engines hate Plagiarism? Google in particular hates it. But it's best to go one step further and not even reuse content from other sources - even if they are yours - so that your website content is completely unique. Google will often show its displeasure at sites that display duplicate content by lowering their search engine rankings. The new Google algorithm that determines a websites page rank is very strict in regard to content so it's more important now than ever before to be diligent about offering content that is unique to your site alone. You want to do so much more than just add original site though; you want to stand out by providing information that is valuable to readers too.

Finally, remember that steady streams of content will also bring more frequent visitors from spiders while improving your overall page rank. These steps will help you work wonders on your website for attracting Google spiders. Once you get started with these steps you'll find that it's not really all that hard.

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