With regards to blogging you are going to find that many folks have finally recognized this can be an excellent way to start earning cash on the web. The issue comes when folks need to choose whether they're going to use a free blogging service, or if they will be better off purchasing a domain name and establishing their own blog. There are both bad and good free blogging platforms available on the web, which mean some are OK to work with but some ought to be avoided. Should you be one of the people who are looking to start your own blog we are going to be speaking about a number of the options you have in the following paragraphs.
Typically the most popular site that allows you to create a blog is Word Press and we will check out that platform first. A primary reason this site is so popular is because folks realize that Google actually loves this website and provides them with free traffic from the search engines. There is a huge negative aspect which comes with building a blog on this platform and that's the reality that they reserve the right to cancel your blog without any reason at all. This will normally happen if you use word press and try to take the traffic from their site and send it to any other site as this is against their terms of service.
Quite a lot of you have probably already heard of Blogger and you will also learn that this is really a blogging platform that's owned by Google. This is also a platform you can make use of entirely for free and Google isn't as temperamental when it comes to deleting people's accounts. They do not mind people using their platform for marketing affiliate marketing programs and they also make it very simple for you to add AdSense ads directly on your blogs. Obviously there is always a chance that Google will get rid of your blog, however this is few and far between which makes this platform one of the better choices for starting a free blog.
If you take the time to think about it your best option will always be to purchase your own domain and set up your own blog on your very own website. You're additionally going to find that you are going to have far more freedom when it comes to adding particular plug ins that helps make your blog get noticed. Another benefit of this is that you can actually have access to other themes that will not be available if you choose one of the free options.
If you are one of the people who want to create your very own blog you'll discover that hosting it yourself on your own domain will be your best choice. You have to also realize that you never want to have your account canceled when you put in so much work, which is the reason why creating your own blog on your own domain is your best bet.
Typically the most popular site that allows you to create a blog is Word Press and we will check out that platform first. A primary reason this site is so popular is because folks realize that Google actually loves this website and provides them with free traffic from the search engines. There is a huge negative aspect which comes with building a blog on this platform and that's the reality that they reserve the right to cancel your blog without any reason at all. This will normally happen if you use word press and try to take the traffic from their site and send it to any other site as this is against their terms of service.
Quite a lot of you have probably already heard of Blogger and you will also learn that this is really a blogging platform that's owned by Google. This is also a platform you can make use of entirely for free and Google isn't as temperamental when it comes to deleting people's accounts. They do not mind people using their platform for marketing affiliate marketing programs and they also make it very simple for you to add AdSense ads directly on your blogs. Obviously there is always a chance that Google will get rid of your blog, however this is few and far between which makes this platform one of the better choices for starting a free blog.
If you take the time to think about it your best option will always be to purchase your own domain and set up your own blog on your very own website. You're additionally going to find that you are going to have far more freedom when it comes to adding particular plug ins that helps make your blog get noticed. Another benefit of this is that you can actually have access to other themes that will not be available if you choose one of the free options.
If you are one of the people who want to create your very own blog you'll discover that hosting it yourself on your own domain will be your best choice. You have to also realize that you never want to have your account canceled when you put in so much work, which is the reason why creating your own blog on your own domain is your best bet.
About the Author:
For more tips you can also check out the author's blogs that talk about topics such as internet marketing as well as other articles on ways to make money fast for college students.
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