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Thank Goodness I'm Not Covered In Penguin And Panda Doo Doo

By Stephane Kolinsky

I'm not gloating here.

I am just truly happy that all my hours of work have not been wasted and turned against me. I mean folks work to push ahead. Just imagine how you'd feel if the work you put in not only didn't get you ahead anymore but also started working against you. If that occurred it might ruin your day, big time.

By the sounds of it, a lot of people's efforts have effectively been turned against them by Google's last few major algorithm updates: Panda and Penguin.

Looking at the forums it is not only the wise guys that've been hit by the updates. Plenty of authentic, non-spammy and absolutely normal websites have been whacked also , and it isn't doing Google's image any good either. Remember they need to get it right or folks go to other search engines, it is that easy, so they have to be mindful of the changes they make.

Fortuitously for me a humble Plymouth website developer from Devon my life, and that of my clients has not been spoiled by the latest updates. In reality even though a phase of my link building includes article marketing (which was one of the targets of the updates) fortunately the content I disseminated did not get wiped off the face of the earth. If they did, I wouldn't be writing this piece right here, I'd be crying in my lager somewhere.

In reality the article marketing (courtesy of Article Samurai) hasn't been punished by Panda or Penguin and still works. Brilliant!

Does it mean that I am smug?

Not one bit.

Quality and value are still the watchwords for this bit of my link building. Once I am done and anchor text reputation gets me enough tops spots then I'll ease up a bit and move on to other things. Maybe video, perhaps networking but whatever I do I am just happy that I've still got a foothold in the game and future moves to make.

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