It need not be costly to have a professional build a small business website for you and in theory the website will soon pay for itself in the income it generates from new sales. The thought that you could build your own website may have occurred to you but you may not sure if it would be cost effective or not. Take a look at the following considerations. first of all, do you have the spare time necessary to dedicate to putting a website together? and secondly, what do you want your website to do for you?
Learning to design and build a basic business website isn't the most difficult thing in the world. Not that I am suggesting web design is a piece of cake.. it is nevertheless something in which you can gain some not badresults with a little applied learning and study.
For you to be successful in building your own website you will need to be confident in your ability to pick up new things easily and proficient at working out how to find your way around new systems. Before you can begin, you will need to gain some idea of CSS, HTML and basic web design and layout. This list nevertheless is not exhaustive.
We arrive at our first question and the root of it. Do you have the time to learn these skills?
You may feel that you would be pleased to put the hours in to learn the basics because you are totally fed up with working for other people and would like to start up on your own. Get yourself online, hit some tutorial sites, log in to Amazon and order the latest 'Build Your Own Website' book. You will find plenty of learning avenues to guide you.
You could however be considering this option from a completely different situation. It may be that you are already aware there are not enough hours in your day. Attempting to make time to build your own business website in this case is not a good option for you, as not only will your work life balance be put under increased strain, you will be unlikely to produce a website that will do your business justice if it is not possible to fully focus on working on it.
Now we explore our second question. What do you want your website to achieve for you? As well as answering this have a think about where you fit in to your market and have a look at the websites owned by your direct competitors.
If you are a small business such as a plumber, a landscape gardener, an electrician, or anyone who needs to set up a web presence so that people locally searching online for your type of services can find your contact details and give you a call then a very small site that appears in the search engine results may be sufficient for you. A basic website to fulfil this need is entirely achievable.
The type of business you are in however may call for something more professional. Would a basic looking site convey the appropriate impression to your potential customers? Enter some search terms significant to your business into Google. What level of quality site do your direct competitors have? Be honest with yourself, if you feel the standard is higher than you are going to be able to reach yourself, you would probably be better off hiring a professional web designer.
To summarise all of the above; If you feel sure about your ability to create a website of a high enough quality and feel you have plenty of time to commit to the challenge, then do it!. If you are unsure, then you should hire a professional. One last thing you will need to take into consideration is that once you have your website, it will not benefit your business if people cannot find it on Google. For your website to be productive and useful to your business, you need it to reach high in the search engine rankings.
Don't miss out on vital customers and sales due to a lack of presence on the web. You can create your own website for your business, but you need to decide whether you think the results you could achieve would generate more sales and decide whether you really do have the time to teach yourself how to do it.
Learning to design and build a basic business website isn't the most difficult thing in the world. Not that I am suggesting web design is a piece of cake.. it is nevertheless something in which you can gain some not badresults with a little applied learning and study.
For you to be successful in building your own website you will need to be confident in your ability to pick up new things easily and proficient at working out how to find your way around new systems. Before you can begin, you will need to gain some idea of CSS, HTML and basic web design and layout. This list nevertheless is not exhaustive.
We arrive at our first question and the root of it. Do you have the time to learn these skills?
You may feel that you would be pleased to put the hours in to learn the basics because you are totally fed up with working for other people and would like to start up on your own. Get yourself online, hit some tutorial sites, log in to Amazon and order the latest 'Build Your Own Website' book. You will find plenty of learning avenues to guide you.
You could however be considering this option from a completely different situation. It may be that you are already aware there are not enough hours in your day. Attempting to make time to build your own business website in this case is not a good option for you, as not only will your work life balance be put under increased strain, you will be unlikely to produce a website that will do your business justice if it is not possible to fully focus on working on it.
Now we explore our second question. What do you want your website to achieve for you? As well as answering this have a think about where you fit in to your market and have a look at the websites owned by your direct competitors.
If you are a small business such as a plumber, a landscape gardener, an electrician, or anyone who needs to set up a web presence so that people locally searching online for your type of services can find your contact details and give you a call then a very small site that appears in the search engine results may be sufficient for you. A basic website to fulfil this need is entirely achievable.
The type of business you are in however may call for something more professional. Would a basic looking site convey the appropriate impression to your potential customers? Enter some search terms significant to your business into Google. What level of quality site do your direct competitors have? Be honest with yourself, if you feel the standard is higher than you are going to be able to reach yourself, you would probably be better off hiring a professional web designer.
To summarise all of the above; If you feel sure about your ability to create a website of a high enough quality and feel you have plenty of time to commit to the challenge, then do it!. If you are unsure, then you should hire a professional. One last thing you will need to take into consideration is that once you have your website, it will not benefit your business if people cannot find it on Google. For your website to be productive and useful to your business, you need it to reach high in the search engine rankings.
Don't miss out on vital customers and sales due to a lack of presence on the web. You can create your own website for your business, but you need to decide whether you think the results you could achieve would generate more sales and decide whether you really do have the time to teach yourself how to do it.
About the Author:
Check out our blog to see Teapot Alternative Uses. Teapot Creative are a team of graphic designers based in Somerset. We have a wealth of experience covering all aspects of graphic, web design and SEO services and have worked on countless projects for a diverse range of businesses. Find out more about web design on Wikipedia.
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