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Is Video Marketing The Answer To Small Business Advertising?

By Brent Peterson

Video marketing can be fun and exciting and also one of the greatest ways to promote your business these days. With the lazy lifestyle that many people have fallen into, this form of marketing actually plays off of the fact that most people would rather watch something than read something. Sad to say, but this is how our society is these days and you can leverage this factor to your full advantage by using videos to market your business.

Think of it this way, would you rather read a newspaper or watch the news? Would most people rather read a book or watch a movie? While we might hate to say it and it does say something about our society, video marketing leverages this fact about our society and makes it easier for you to get your message across to your customers.

Even though video marketing is still kind of the new guy on the scene, you have to admit that it is a pretty clever way to get a message across to the buying public. You can produce videos very quickly and your customer is going to feel like you're actually talking to them no matter what their reading comprehension is. The finished product is often so surprisingly good for most customers that they feel like more of a top notch business thanks to a few informative videos.

Even though in theory video marketing is pretty straight forward, making a professional looking video that you can be proud of takes a bit of doing. You should be careful when thinking that you can slam together a few videos in an afternoon and have customers coming to your door by dinner time. A really bad video, and they're out there, will send the complete opposite message to a customer and it might actually leave you with a bit of a black eye in your customer's eyes if your video is shabby or poorly put together. Always try to look at things from your customers eyes and be honest. Do you really think you can produce a good quality video?

In addition, video marketing isn't quite as simple as creating a video, uploading it to the web and wait for paying customers to come knocking at your door. The SEO involved in this type of marketing is unique in itself and someone that has some experience in optimizing a video can make or break a good video marketing campaign. Just think about if you had a high quality video that knocked your socks off. You spent a lot of money having it created yet nobody ever saw it because your SEO guy didn't know how to properly optimize it and get it in front of your customers or potential customers.

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