Pretty much anyone can put together a website. If you don't mind including your web host's company name in your domain name, you might even be able to get some web server space without paying any money out of pocket. Think about that. is a pretty common url these days isn't it? You will want to buy your own hosting if you do not want to be stuck with that kind of url and are serious about the web property that you are developing. Getting hosting for your project is the best way to keep your options open. Every company that provides hosting is unique! It is important to choose carefully when you choose your hosting. Here are a few hints to help you out.
Do you have specific FTP needs? If you have no idea what FTP means you will probably be fine with one of the free, web based host companies out there. If your FTP needs are extensive, you should make sure that any hosting program you purchase will have a way of meeting those needs. Some companies give you FTP access through a web based application. Still other hosting companies ask that you use your own downloaded FTP application.
If uploading and downloading files through your own software seems too complicated for you, make sure your host provider has a web based application you can use. If you are a web builder who likes to have complete control over his FTP choose a hosting company that will allow you access to your server through your own remote FTP service. Ask tons of questions. Contact each of the web hosting companies that you are thinking about using. Ask to talk to a customer service agent on staff. If you have no way of speaking to a live person then you should run away! Do not share any information with a company that will not allow you to have a conversation with a live person who represents that company. Any hosting company that does not offer customer service through live employees (instead of question and answer bots or FAQs) is probably a scam. Even small companies should have at least one person you can talk to. Don't trust any company without live representation!
Look into the company's business practices. Big companies are almost always registered with business bureaus. Do some checking into the company's physical location-make sure that the headquarters listed on the company site is registered with that city and state. Do a search through the better business bureau. Companies worth your money will not have a lot of complaints lodged against them. If the company is not registered with its local authorities it should be avoided. Not even independent contractors are allowed to do business without registering with the local business registries. Any web hosting company worth your money will be easy to verify through legal means.
Take some extra time to explore all of your options. Instead of choosing quickly based on something arbitrary, plan your project and then explore the different hosting options that meet your project's needs. Deciding what you need before you start your hosting search will help you narrow your focus and choose the hosting that is best for you.
Do you have specific FTP needs? If you have no idea what FTP means you will probably be fine with one of the free, web based host companies out there. If your FTP needs are extensive, you should make sure that any hosting program you purchase will have a way of meeting those needs. Some companies give you FTP access through a web based application. Still other hosting companies ask that you use your own downloaded FTP application.
If uploading and downloading files through your own software seems too complicated for you, make sure your host provider has a web based application you can use. If you are a web builder who likes to have complete control over his FTP choose a hosting company that will allow you access to your server through your own remote FTP service. Ask tons of questions. Contact each of the web hosting companies that you are thinking about using. Ask to talk to a customer service agent on staff. If you have no way of speaking to a live person then you should run away! Do not share any information with a company that will not allow you to have a conversation with a live person who represents that company. Any hosting company that does not offer customer service through live employees (instead of question and answer bots or FAQs) is probably a scam. Even small companies should have at least one person you can talk to. Don't trust any company without live representation!
Look into the company's business practices. Big companies are almost always registered with business bureaus. Do some checking into the company's physical location-make sure that the headquarters listed on the company site is registered with that city and state. Do a search through the better business bureau. Companies worth your money will not have a lot of complaints lodged against them. If the company is not registered with its local authorities it should be avoided. Not even independent contractors are allowed to do business without registering with the local business registries. Any web hosting company worth your money will be easy to verify through legal means.
Take some extra time to explore all of your options. Instead of choosing quickly based on something arbitrary, plan your project and then explore the different hosting options that meet your project's needs. Deciding what you need before you start your hosting search will help you narrow your focus and choose the hosting that is best for you.
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