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3 Powerful Conversion Optimization Steps You Should Use

By Granville Becvar

Understanding conversions is essential to your success with your online business today. Fortunately, we have written this article on how to understand conversions, especially if you don't know a lot about the topic. When a visitor decides to take action on your website, you are looking at a conversion. You need to have a desired goal, on each page, for the traffic that arrives. As long as you understand how to do it, you can motivate people to take certain actions by implementing certain strategies. Once you know this, you can influence and control people much more easily. The following information will show you exactly why it works, and how you can influence people to make certain choices on your site.

Having a live chat on your website seems to be the focus of debate nowadays. Typically, people will see these and not use them. However, most people have seen them on websites on the net. Recording all of the conversations is something that you should do if you have the service. Then you analyze them so you can see what people are asking about. You can make positive changes to your website if you use this information. You should leverage this data in many ways, not just use it as a customer service tool which is what most live chat sessions are used for. Every chat session you have with a non-customer can provide you with essential data so you know what direction to go in and improve your business.

Similar to tracking programs, but less objective to say the least. You can actually hire a company to implement the usability testing for which you need people in order to get results. The end result is you will understand what people do on your website. This info will explain why people visit one page yet will leave another. The more people that you have for the test, the more accurate and comprehensive the data will be. This type of information is valuable, even if it is limited by how many people were actually tested. There are studies called the F-shaped eye-tracking studies. Have you heard of them? IMers and those in SEO should be familiar with the study. This is a generally reliable guideline you can use to optimize your site. Or, you can perform your own eye-tracking studies or outsource them to services who will do it for your business. Budget studies, all the way to expensive ones, were done that you can easily access and learn from. What you can expect is to find out how people behave on your website. Where they look, and where they don't look, on your website will be revealed. These parameters will show you how to optimize your website to make more money.

Whoever your target audience is, you need to have a deep understanding of what they want to know. Essentially, you need to connect with them, not leaving anyone out in the cold. It's all about doing your research, writing phenomenal content that really connects with your audience because you know exactly what they're looking for.

You need to be able to interpret your test results. This is very important! Your goal should be a minimum of 100 unique visitors a day. This will provide you with data that can be used to help your business.

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