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Vulnerability Scanners to Avoid Hackers

By James Richy

Your newly started online business surprisingly has certain weaknesses which are dangerous enough let scrupulous people gain access to your personal information. You might even risk losing billions of dollars including leakages of your credit card information and customer information. These weak points on the inside or perimeter of a network through which attackers can enter your system are called vulnerabilities. All a hacker needs to do is 'drop' a tiny program in your computer programs which 'hooks' your computer to a specific Botnet. This invisible abnormality might go unnoticed even by the firewall and antivirus software.

Tough vulnerabilities several processes follow, the criminals enter the system, spread malware, corrupt files, steal passwords and in turn affect your customer base. Primarily, a vulnerability scanner identifies the hosts and their attributes including operation system, open points and application and this serves as path to identify the vulnerabilities. In case of software programs, Vulnerability scanner considers the outdated softwares or missing configurations. The matching of a list of known vulnerabilities with the host applications and operating systems lead to the identification of the areas under testing, for ethical hacking.

Also the human traits of trusting, negligence and credulousness are a weapon in the attacker's arsenal. The so called overlooked 'flaws' in the software systems are hidden doors to devour. Even the firewalls are not protective enough to safeguard your website. The online business dependent on electronically based computer and customer database should primarily install vulnerability scanner which is a cost effective solution designed to detect weakness and loopholes.

Even simply watching videos through popular players like Flash and QuickTime may hook your computer and in mo time several Botnets are released to be activated later. A vulnerability scanner first identifies the host and its attributes. It then matches these applications and operating systems of the host with known vulnerabilities which becomes the prime area for ethical area. The main phrase here is penetration testing methodology. But this technique is used against penetration of hackers.

The flaws in the software committed during system administration or coding and other development errors give opportunities to exploit through the otherwise secure doors. Nessus by Tenable Network security is a powerful vulnerability scanner continuously detecting log analysis, data leakages and configurations.

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