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The Hard Truth About the Top MLM Earners

By Jack Wolfe

The "top mlm earners" all make over six-figures a year in my book. Some of the top mlm earners gain over six-figures a MONTH. That isn't any spending money right there. Six-figures a month can do all sorts of incredible, wonderful things. If you're like how I was, you're probably wondering how the hell the top mlm earners do it.

And it's not like they got lucky either!

You've seen the same people go into new company after new company, each with a varied product line, and always come out on top. Why? How do the top mlm earners do this?

If you research triumph and the art of prosperity, you start noticing some commonness between the ultra successful professionals in the network marketing world. And no, it's not fancy cars or fancy suits. I have a pal who does make six-figures a month and I don't believe he even owns a suit.

Yet there IS a common ingredient. An inherent thing in every formula for effectiveness that the top mlm earners all share. It is something you can emulate too. So if you're dropkicking yourself in the butt wondering why you're still broke. Read on, maybe we can change that together for you.

The thing that the top mlm earners all have in common is that they talk to A LOT of people.

Over and over and over and over again. In fact, one of the many top mlm earners I know once told me, "Talk to 20 people a day to keep the commission checks coming your way". Which is totally true either. All of these top mlm earners are experiencing the numbers.

If you boil each of the top mlm earners down to ONE prevalent thing, it has always been the numbers game. You hear internet marketers talk about how they don't have to go through the hordes and hit the mobile phone like the offline experts, but that is not true at all. The internet marketing top mlm earners are still sifting through the plenitudes, they are just going about it in a totally different way.

Instead of dialing for dollars, they're emailing for money, or webinars for recruits, or connecting over facebook to sponsor a new guy or gal into their business.

It is all the same thing. The top mlm earners KNOW ABOUT that if they go through enough numbers, there is absolutely noway they can not be successful. After all, it is just a numbers game.

Now someone can pick up a phone book and call a hundred thousand indiscriminate people. In reality, a six-figure earner in the industry that I personally know did just that. Now, the majority of top mlm earners don't do that, but it is one method.

The majority of top mlm earners put the numbers significantly in their favor by using systems. Having a good system where they can sort through customers quickly is crucially important. You want to have a swift sales cycle.

In other slogans, you want to be able to access a prospect, give them something to watch so you can go and keep prospecting as the recorded presentation sales the lead on your possibility or goods.

The other thing that a system provides the top mlm earners is the capability to reproduce themselves. Now the idea of strict duplication happening is pretty mythological, especially if you're doing it on the internet. Duplication as a principle is real, but it only can happen if there is a concrete system for your team to develop all around.

One some other thing that is really interesting about a lot of top mlm earners is that they make money outside of just their downline. If you want to be a full-fledge business owner, it is most likely a good idea to really cement this type of thinking into your mind.

What else can you sell outside of your network marketing opportunity?

If you are into the entire attraction marketing info online, then you should have a self-funded overture you can promote your customers on. That way even if no one joins you in your network marketing business, you still earn money.

The best self-funded proposals are tools or resources that will help other network marketers to grow their enterprises. You find things they will like, become an affiliate for those things, and you sell them on it. When they buy that product or tool and love it, they will immediately like you more.

And when they adore you more, they are far more prone to join your actual network marketing business as well. Top mlm earners do this all the time. Heck, I even do it. My self-funded proposal is the Empower Network, on the grounds that it is literally a marketing juggernaut for people who are willing to use it right.

That and it can render my prospects A LOT of money even if they never register with my firm or even enlist a single soul into theirs. And that my friends, is how the top mlm earners do it.


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