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Obtaining Better Search Engine Rankings With Google's New Update

By Evan Cavener

Taking the time to perform thorough research on about SERP positioning before you attempt doing it is definitely a smart move. Take your market audience, for instance, you have to know them but lots of IM marketers seem to overlook doing basic research about that. In addition to knowing how to talk to your market, you will understand their needs from a marketing perspective. Obviously you want to see something reflected in your results, and this one strategy is designed to do that. This research, as we have stated, will more specifically give you the ability to speak the language of any audience. The lack of effective communications will not allow for any kind of meaningful bond to occur.

Google has a tendency of mixing things up in relation to how they rank people's internet sites in their results. For this reason you have to be aware of the changes that they make and how it affects your site. One of the newest things which Google is now working with to determine search engine rankings is the quantity of time people wind up staying on your internet site. Because this is now a major ranking point for your internet site were going to be talking about a few actions you can take in order to keep folks on your site for a longer period of time.

Most people have external links on their internet site pointing to other sites and you need to ensure that these links always open up in a new window. If a new window opens over your window, your internet site will remain open even though they are checking out the other site. Google will then assume that these men and women are remaining on your site simply because you have good content. Generally when a new window opens the user will not go and try and look for the other window to close it before they read that site. What this means is that for however long they are on the other site your internet site will still be opened in the window below that one.

By offering folks a free download in your internet site this will get them to interact with your website and stay on your website longer. This can be done by adding a pop-up to your site when a new visitor comes to your site. You don't need to attempt to get the visitors e-mail address in this box, you simply want to provide them with a link that they're able to click to get a free download. The web-link in the pop-up should not lead them to a different website but to a different page on your website. Google will see that people are interacting with your site and this will also keep them on your internet site for a longer period of time. Once these individuals get to the following web page you can have them enter their e-mail address to receive a free download. The benefits that are related to this strategy are two-fold, first you will be building an e-mail list, secondly you will be showing Google that people interact with your site and stay there longer.

This doesn't mean that you can abandon your search engine optimization strategies. The basics of seo will still be in effect, this is merely an add-on to Google's algorithm. You ought to be aware that Google is still keeping tabs on back-links and that the construction of these back-links is still vital. Most men and women are aware of the importance of back-links but in case you are not, you should comprehend that this will greatly impact your rankings. If you are open to trying new marketing/advertising ideas, then seriously consider anything new you come across because new ideas are everywhere. You know that not all methods like the ones used by the lifestyle concierge are suitable for all business models such as the person who does media buys will have no need for search marketing. If time is a real issue with you, then you can always look at outsourcing so you will have the additional time to work on expansion projects. There is nothing wrong or bad about building on your existing assets so you can do more with your business. Ask your self what you can do with this, and then seek to possibly integrate with any of your present campaigns. In the end, a long time from now, just be sure you do not look back and wish you would have considered more options. For those of you looking to obtain more love from Google, the recommendations above will certainly help you to improve the ranking of your site. If you start off using these suggestions, afterward you can add other methods that will help to keep people on your internet site for a longer period of time.

You should also remember that the basics of SEO are still very important. This includes correct key word as well as key word phrase positioning throughout your internet site. Although Google has updated their algorithms the constructing of back-links is still incredibly important in your search engine placement. And as quite a lot of you already know, the more back-links you have to your site the higher you will rank in the various search engines. There is no question, by those with experience and success, that approaches of the lifestyle concierge can accomplish a lot for your business. If you found your self nodding your head because it seems all too obvious, then you have to keep in mind all those who do not have your level of expertise. If you have had your business for just a few months, you may not know all you need to know especially if your time is very limited. Not all marketing and advertising strategies are suitable for all businesses, and so our short intros about any one particular approach will help you to have a better sense about how applicable it is. You need to develop a sense of independence because you can delve much deeper into any subject and possibly find something highly useful. By adhering to these suggestions you should be able to keep men and women on your internet site longer which in turn will help your placement in Google There are needless to say other ways to keep individuals on your site but the suggestions should get you started.

But we would always caution that you do not fall into the habit of using your research and learning as a crutch.

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