Are you constantly banging your head in frustration on not receiving all the internet traffic you would like to get to your web site? Is all that information overload making your head spin every which way because you cannot understand a single one of these supposedly easy free website traffic tactics? Do you feel harassed by those fast-talking flim flam men stuffing your email with useless garbage about using your credit card to improve your Google clicks - at the low, low price of your credit score, no less? Are you mystified as to why your website fell off the Google search results faster than Milli Vanilli fell from grace? Or are you just too broke and all you have to rely on is getting some free website traffic tactics? But would it be worth it to take that leap of faith and give these website traffic tactics a try? However, knowing how is the real deal. It is, and here's the 411:
Link it
If you link to and from another site, or sites, this is one of the website traffic tactics that could give you the best results in little to no time. One tip, though - you have to be sure the website you are exchanging links with is very, very similar to your business, otherwise it won't work. You also wouldn't want to overdo this tactics as this might get you blacklisted from search engines.
Those Majestic Meta Tags
A second tactic you could use would be working on your meta tags and making sure the keywords used are related to and focus on your business. Search engines use meta tags to properly define websites. If you happen to be quite skilled at HTML, then editing your meta tags and optimizing your page should be easier than tying your shoelace!
Focus on keywords AND content!
Writing or acquiring articles that provide solid information regarding your business is one of the best ways. One way you could improve on this would be to use a free keyword suggestion tool like Overture (tm), so you could know which phrases or keywords would generate the most additional traffic. Repeat visitors can become first-time customers, and even repeat customers, so you have to focus on readable and informative articles, and not write as if you were an automated writing machine.
Submitting these articles to various article directory listings will provide more visibility for your business as long as you keep your resource box in tact to create for yourself numerous back links.
If you know how to use the three tactics we have just discussed, you will have a popular website, and more importantly, your conversion rate should multiply exponentially.
Link it
If you link to and from another site, or sites, this is one of the website traffic tactics that could give you the best results in little to no time. One tip, though - you have to be sure the website you are exchanging links with is very, very similar to your business, otherwise it won't work. You also wouldn't want to overdo this tactics as this might get you blacklisted from search engines.
Those Majestic Meta Tags
A second tactic you could use would be working on your meta tags and making sure the keywords used are related to and focus on your business. Search engines use meta tags to properly define websites. If you happen to be quite skilled at HTML, then editing your meta tags and optimizing your page should be easier than tying your shoelace!
Focus on keywords AND content!
Writing or acquiring articles that provide solid information regarding your business is one of the best ways. One way you could improve on this would be to use a free keyword suggestion tool like Overture (tm), so you could know which phrases or keywords would generate the most additional traffic. Repeat visitors can become first-time customers, and even repeat customers, so you have to focus on readable and informative articles, and not write as if you were an automated writing machine.
Submitting these articles to various article directory listings will provide more visibility for your business as long as you keep your resource box in tact to create for yourself numerous back links.
If you know how to use the three tactics we have just discussed, you will have a popular website, and more importantly, your conversion rate should multiply exponentially.
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