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The Power Of Your Brand And How Mobile Plays Into That

By Peter Branson

Running a business isn't only about managing the type and amount of services, and the types of expenses and income you have. These days any serious business knows that a successful business must have good customer retention as well. A lot of this has to do with how your business "comes across". If your office is in a crumbling, smelly shack - this will affect how customers see you, and how likely they are to do business with you.

All of this applies when you are talking about the virtual world. And by virtual world I do not only mean that you need to own a website. Until now the only thing entrepreneurs had to worry about was to have a decent website, but this is no longer enough. Today there are many platforms to worry about, first all of the emerging social media platforms, and then the emerging mobile platform. As a serious business you must make sure your brand is present in all of these spaces. I mean think about it - do you know a single serious brand that doesn't have it's own mobile app or is without it's own mobile presence? Can you even imagine any such thing?

Even though you might not like hearing it - let me assure you that people absolutely do take into account your online and mobile presence. When they are deciding if you are a professional company they look to whether you have a neat, clean website first of all. And then more and more so lately they also look at whether you have an official mobile app and mobile presence.

And this is becoming and more and more common these days. Don't be surprised if you soon find out that your local family-owned pizzeria has its own official app or complete mobile presence. They might even allow its best customers to reserve tables view live cam photos or look at food suggestions. My point here is that having mobile presence is quickly becoming a default assumed part of having a serious business and a reputable brand. You can no longer afford to ignore the need for having mobile presence any more than you could afford to not have a website.

To be taken as a serious company you must present yourself as a reputable brand. To come across as a reputable brand you need to exist across all platforms. Whether you choose to accept this fact is up to you.

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