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Swim with the Current to Make Money Online Easier

By Nick Lewis

I will give you a fantastic shortcut proven to cut time and effort to making money online through affiliate marketing. The one thing I request of you is that you take action on this right away. Take action and test out the strategies you are about to learn and then when they bring in money for you and you are excited about your future, visit me at my website to learn the source of this great information.

I've made a lot of mistakes on my way to earning a few hundred dollars per month online.

Getting over these hurdles turned out to be worth it because the money that I make comes in every single month whether I work on those sites again or not. Exerting minimal effort and website maintenance and money keeps coming in is a great feeling.

And I have to tell you, that's a great feeling.

But getting to where I am today should have taken half the time and effort than it did so if I had the chance to do it all over again, of course, there are a few things I would do differently.

That is precisely the topic of this article, destroying myths about making money through affiliate marketing and allowing you to achieve your goals in much less time than if you did not have these strategies. You will learn about the hurdles that I had to overcome and once that is laid out, you will learn the strategy that will change your Online business from rowing your boat upstream to easily floating downstream with the money current.

Back in 2010 while marketing my family's restaurant and trying to find new customers through Internet marketing, I discovered Search Engine Optimization.

The good news is I learned how to rank websites on page one of Google.

The bad news is, even though I got websites on page one of Google, I was focusing on the wrong keywords!

Therefore, my first error was working on ranking for the wrong key phrases.

I quickly got tired of getting to page one with nothing to show for it (other than pride, I guess) so I searched for and purchased a home study program on selling other people's products and services as an affiliate.

My problem this time had to do with my website strategy. I thought that an authoritative site where I reviewed many different products in one industry or niche was the way to go.

I got the site up to a few hundred bucks a month but then it plateaued. And it took a lot of time and effort to get the traffic levels up to where they are now.

This way of building an affiliate site is like an airplane taking off. Going down the runway and hitting the minimum speed and then getting up into the air takes over 90% of all energy used.

When the student is ready the teacher will appear, so they say. I was at a restaurant when I met a successful Internet Marketer who challenged everything I was doing online. I didn't know it at the time but this person had made eight figures in just about ten years by creating small one or two page websites.

A light bulb went off.

All this time I thought you had to add content every day in order to get in the good graces of Google and he was ranking sites on page one within a few weeks and with a few pages of content??

How could I not listen to what he had to say?

What he taught me was something I already knew but did not focus on that exact match domains and having your keywords in the domain accounted for up to a quarter of the ranking factors.

One quarter of how the search engines rank sites!

Smaller sites that revolve around one product or service can become profitable and rank much quicker. If it doesn't work out, you didn't lose much.

My ah-ha moment didn't stop there. If you can get buyer keywords in your domain and those buyer keywords have enough traffic, you can quickly and easily get buyers to your site with their wallets in hand and ready to spend.

Isn't that better? Effortlessly swimming with the current as your website guests have money in hand and most of the search engine battle has already been won from day one by having the right kind of domain name.

Here's Exactly What to Do to Get There

Keyword Research

Like we said earlier, you must find keywords that people are searching with the intent to buy.

The most common phrases searched by people ready to buy are:

-Name of Service/Product Itself

-Service Reviews

-The Specific Model #

-Product/Service Bonus

-Service or Product Discount

-Product Creator's Name

-Buy Product Name

-Buy Model Number

If you find that more than 1000 people are searching for all the buyer keywords put together then you will want to invest some more of your time in the product.

Make sure to total up all exact match keywords, not broad. If you are not aware of the difference, phrase match is when you search for something with quotation marks and all the words appear in the results in the same order.

For now just know that when you use the Google External Keyword tool, you want to check off Exact Match and uncheck the other in the left hand sidebar.

This is only a general rule that you can use so don't get too caught up on having exact numbers. It's much better to just do it and then you can adjust when you are in the game and you will have a much better understanding of keyword research and being able to spot which ones will be profitable and which to pass on.

Competitive Analysis

All you need to do is look at the top ten results in Google when you type in your keyword and answer these questions:

-Does the competitor's URL have the keyword in it? Is it a part of the root domain or the name of a page on the person's website?

-Now look at the site titles. Is the keyword in the title of the site?

-Is it in the description of the site?

-Is the keyword found in the H1 and H2 tags of the site?

I know we're starting to get technical here but hang in there. There are dozens of tools on the market, both free and paid, that can help answer all these questions in the matter of seconds.

The amount of external links pointing in to a site is of course important but the exciting point to remember is if you get/have a domain name with your keywords built in, the first spot in the search engine results is yours to defend!

If you retain nothing else from reading this article, remember this. Having the keyword in your domain name is that important to you getting tons of free traffic from the search engines.

Brian Clark of Copyblogger stated,

"you can gain attention from people via search engines because Google trusts your content."

Well said by Brian and I believe this is the reason exact match domains rank so highly. Because Google trusts that a site with the keyword in its URL will be the most relevant by default until you prove to them otherwise.

Doesn't that make a lot of sense?

The next step is to find the best available domain name that contains your keywords

Go to your nearest domain host and see if the buyer keyword for the product you want to promote is available in .com, .net or .org. My mentor (find out who that is on my website) seems to easily rank any of the three main extensions but they are in priority order.

The only thing he said not to get in your .com, .net or .org is hyphens between words. I am a little skeptical so I recently registered a product name with a hyphen in between the two words so that I can test out the theory on my own.


Lastly, we need to get the search engines to your website so we need to build backlinks. We can do this by submitting videos to the video sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo, writing and publishing articles to article directories like Ezine Articles and posting comments on industry forums and blogs. Remember to actually create a hyperlink on each document or in the description section back to your website.

Go thing is you probably won't need to build that many in order to start moving up the search engine results because you have the keywords in your domain, remember?

Bringing It All Together

Acquiring, building and ranking websites with exact match domains will allow you to receive feedback much quicker and you will quickly know whether or not to put more time into your website or to move on to another keyword, other product or another niche. Focus on the products and the keywords that you think will give you the greatest chance to make a little cash.

To set your expectations properly, you should know up front that some of your websites will not produce any fruit, some will provide a few berries and some will feed you throughout the season with plenty for everyone. This is a numbers game so keep working at this until you have dozens of sites and the law of large numbers working in your favor.

So today we covered buyer keywords and having the exact match domain name.

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