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How Do Law Of Attraction Affirmations Work

By Juliette Cruz

The every day use of law of attraction affirmations will attract positive forces into your life. The law of attraction basically says that your thoughts control your results. Negative thoughts bring negativity while positive thoughts will bring positive things. You can turn your life around with the power of positive thinking.

Affirmations are defined as announcements that your say or think repeatedly to bring about a positive outcome in your life. They should be a daily habit. Say them when you wake up and when you go to bed which are two very effective times of day. Keep them short and focused.

In order to get the most out of using affirmations you should write them down, say them out loud, use the present tense, and repeat often. Look into a mirror and talk to your reflection so that you make a connection with your subconscious mind. When speaking out loud use passion and energy so that you can feel what you say.

You can focus on career when making positive statements. Some examples that will help you find success in work are I love my job, my work is fulfilling and I have a powerful network of business relationships. Adding these declarations to your affirmation list will help you in your place of work.

Monetary declarations will help improve your financial situation and help you attract money. Examples include I am wealthy, I attract money and my life is filled with abundance. State these throughout the day to see positive changes.

You can make positive statements every day to help find love. Love surrounds me. I attract love. I love myself. Love flows through me. Each of these will help you in the romance area of your life.

Setting and achieving goals is an important part of a successful life. Repeat these statement on a daily basis. I can achieve my goals. I do one thing every day towards my goal. My goals are attainable. My goals are clear.

Thoughts of success can bring success. Make statements like my life is filled with success, I attract success, I am a success magnet and I find success in all that I attempt. These positive thoughts bring success results.

Happiness is achievable by using a positive thought process. I enjoy every moment. My happiness is contagious. My life is happy. I radiate happiness. All of these are statements that will bring happy energy into your surroundings.

Positive thinking builds self confidence. I am strong, I can do anything, and I am confident are all examples of positive statements. Repeat these short thoughts daily and you will see results.

Using law of attraction affirmations are a powerful technique to assist you in changing the path of your life. Positive things will be attracted to you when you state what you want to be true on a regular basis. State it, see it and it will be. Every part of your life can be changed including the way you think and feel.

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