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Nokia CEO Elop: Tablet PC is an opportunity

By Jerri Lily

Now Nokia and Microsoft entered into a strategic partnership, and the Windows Phone as a preferred smart phone platform more than a year. For Nokia, the test in the consumer market really started, because this is the first year Nokia began selling Windows Phone. Nokia has introduced four new mobile phones for the different markets, including China,

Nokia CEO Stephen Elop knew the challenges they faced. Although Nokia is the world's largest mobile phone maker, but its leading has been significantly reduced, and the data from market research firm Gartner show Nokia's market share is only 23%.

In addition, the counter-attack launched by Nokia With Windows Phone from the beginning, because of the fourth quarter of 2011, Windows Phone in the smart phone market share is only 1.9%, 3.4% lower than the same period in 2010.

On innovation and Nokia has the ability to quickly make changes to adapt to the market share and the mindshare by the Android and iOS rule the New World, Elop said, "We clearly has accelerated the pace of Nokia." He mentioned. Lumia 800 and Lumia 710 phone to Nokia launched in October last year, it launched a Lumia 900 and Lumia 610 phone. He said: "Our speed of this, including the introduction of speed based on next-generation Windows Phone software products will be accelerating."

He said that this is a two-way Street: Lumia 610 target of the cheap version of the Chinese market, but it helps to influence how Microsoft developed the operating system. He said: "This is a typical example of how to collaborate."

About the Tablet PC. We can recall the Nokia yesterday launched the Reader, which is Nokia's first entry into the electronic book market, and probably the clear signal for Nokia introduced the Tablet PC. Elop said in an interview and did not disclose whether Nokia will launch the Tablet PC or not, and when it was launched.

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