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Here's How To Pick A Good Freelancer For Your WebDesign

By Ben Becker

While there are many things you can consider, only a few make a real difference when it comes to picking a freelancer for hire. The number one thing I would look into is whether you like them as a person. This might sound shallow to some, but I assure you it is a very valid criteria. Building your website with a solo-designer will something akin to a short-relationship, and you two will need to have excellent rapport and communication. This person will need to "get" what you want and be able to put into practice the things you envision.

As a common sense note - looking at huge list of random freelancers is not as useful. You won't see a random person's random name and "feel a click". If you tried to interview and call up every single one of the people listed, it would take a huge chink of your life, and life is short my friend. A much better choice is to leverage the power of your network. I would say that people you know tend to be similar to you and your tastes. Even your acquaintances are likely to be more similar to you than the average person on the street. Therefore I would say you want to ask all friends and acquaintances if they can recommend someone. This will produce very good results.

If you try this method in real life and it doesn't produce too many leads, you can use online networks of acquaintances - they too will produce a solid set of recommendations as well. For example use LinkedIn (which was invented for this) or just freestyle it on Facebook. Post a public message on Facebook asking if anyone can give any freelancer recommendations to comment or private message you.

Once you have used the previous recommendations and have a good list of leads - time to go to the next step. You want to analyze each person separately. The first step in this process is to look at their online portfolio.

Then you will want to actually grill them with hard questions. Act as if you're hiring a surgeon for life-endangering operation. Ask each freelancer to explain or sell themselves to you. Ask what makes them better than all the other freelancers you're considering.

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