Have you been searching for ways to create income online but aren't quite sure where to start? Have no fear. There are many others just like you. Believe me, I was one of them for a long time. I know it can seem daunting in the beginning when you are are in the process of discovering what goes into creating a profitible blog. This is why I have offered my advice. Lets get started.
First off, I want to tell you a little about myself. My name is Ashley and I am a mother of two small children. That right there tells you that even a busy mother can make time to learn and build profitable sites online. My husband has always been very interested in websites and making a passive income, so why not combine the two? He first found a couple of programs online that offer great information and "how-to" step-by-step tutorials that can get you started making quick money by blogging online! To be honest, I was a little skeptical in the beginning, but quickly realized that this is a real opportunity to make a substantial amount of money. Now here I am, eager to share with you all of the things that I have learned to help you get started and make a passive full time income by blogging online.
The primary significant step is to uncover a niche. This is extremely important simply because it will enlighten you on who you want to sell, or market to, and what you want your products or services to be. This will involve some research. You need to make certain that whatever you choose to showcase is within a trending niche, for example dieting or earning income online. Both of these niches are almost always popular and offer a variety of different products and knowledge.
Additionally, after your niche is chosen, you want to locate a keyword that you'd like to be ranked for. It is important to note a keyword is not only one word. It can be a solo word or a combination of words which are typed within any search engine for the purpose of finding revelant sites on the subject. To illustrate this further go ahead and enter "online games" into Google and you will see sites relating to online games. Obviously your keywords must be relevant to your niche or product to enable people to find your site. You can actually research a keyword using the Google Keyword Tool. It will show you how many people are actually seeking that exact keyword each month. When you have the results keep your eyes peeled for low competition and a substantail search volume.
Upon getting this data you can begin composing articles and other content for your site. The information ought to include links to the product which you'll be advertising, along with the utilization of your keyword. Your keyword phrase really should be located throughout a large amount of locations on your site in order to increase the probability of a higher search engine positioning. You should incorporate your search phrase inside the domain, the headers, the title, and the keyword meta tags. By doing this, the major search engines will "crawl" your site and rank it according to the relevance of your keyword on your site.
Once you have a steady stream of visitors a great tool that I like to use is the email opt-in tool. By using this tool you can gather emails from your visitors and send them FREE content. For example, you can offer monthly newsletters or a follow up set of emails containing 7 tips for... (your niche goes here), etc. Once this list is built you can then send your list "recommended products". By doing this you will have a much higher sales conversion rate because these people are already interested in what you have to offer. This can result in a very successful sales day for you! I've seen the "pro's" make millions of dollars in one day by doing this particular strategy.
Eventually, you want your site to be as useful and eye-catching as possible. You are seeking people that enjoy what you write, need you to send them follow ups, and buy your products or services. Just be sure you actively seek information to find high value, trending products and services to feature on your site and obtain keywords having a high amount of searches (I prefer to find keywords with at minimum of 1,000 local searches). Should you follow these simple steps which I have put forth for you, then you will have a solid foundation on how to establish and optimize your earnings using blogging online.
First off, I want to tell you a little about myself. My name is Ashley and I am a mother of two small children. That right there tells you that even a busy mother can make time to learn and build profitable sites online. My husband has always been very interested in websites and making a passive income, so why not combine the two? He first found a couple of programs online that offer great information and "how-to" step-by-step tutorials that can get you started making quick money by blogging online! To be honest, I was a little skeptical in the beginning, but quickly realized that this is a real opportunity to make a substantial amount of money. Now here I am, eager to share with you all of the things that I have learned to help you get started and make a passive full time income by blogging online.
The primary significant step is to uncover a niche. This is extremely important simply because it will enlighten you on who you want to sell, or market to, and what you want your products or services to be. This will involve some research. You need to make certain that whatever you choose to showcase is within a trending niche, for example dieting or earning income online. Both of these niches are almost always popular and offer a variety of different products and knowledge.
Additionally, after your niche is chosen, you want to locate a keyword that you'd like to be ranked for. It is important to note a keyword is not only one word. It can be a solo word or a combination of words which are typed within any search engine for the purpose of finding revelant sites on the subject. To illustrate this further go ahead and enter "online games" into Google and you will see sites relating to online games. Obviously your keywords must be relevant to your niche or product to enable people to find your site. You can actually research a keyword using the Google Keyword Tool. It will show you how many people are actually seeking that exact keyword each month. When you have the results keep your eyes peeled for low competition and a substantail search volume.
Upon getting this data you can begin composing articles and other content for your site. The information ought to include links to the product which you'll be advertising, along with the utilization of your keyword. Your keyword phrase really should be located throughout a large amount of locations on your site in order to increase the probability of a higher search engine positioning. You should incorporate your search phrase inside the domain, the headers, the title, and the keyword meta tags. By doing this, the major search engines will "crawl" your site and rank it according to the relevance of your keyword on your site.
Once you have a steady stream of visitors a great tool that I like to use is the email opt-in tool. By using this tool you can gather emails from your visitors and send them FREE content. For example, you can offer monthly newsletters or a follow up set of emails containing 7 tips for... (your niche goes here), etc. Once this list is built you can then send your list "recommended products". By doing this you will have a much higher sales conversion rate because these people are already interested in what you have to offer. This can result in a very successful sales day for you! I've seen the "pro's" make millions of dollars in one day by doing this particular strategy.
Eventually, you want your site to be as useful and eye-catching as possible. You are seeking people that enjoy what you write, need you to send them follow ups, and buy your products or services. Just be sure you actively seek information to find high value, trending products and services to feature on your site and obtain keywords having a high amount of searches (I prefer to find keywords with at minimum of 1,000 local searches). Should you follow these simple steps which I have put forth for you, then you will have a solid foundation on how to establish and optimize your earnings using blogging online.
About the Author:
Learn more about Blogging for moneyStop by Ashley Jo's site where you can find out all about Money blogging tips and what it can do for you.
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