Using RSS feeds is something which many individuals overlook in relation to marketing and advertising their sites. This can be a wonderful way for you to get more advertising for your websites and in turn will wind up providing you with more sales because of it. In This Post we are talking about how and why you should be using RSS feeds and a few of the benefits you will realize that are associated with using these feeds.
The first main reason you should be using RSS feeds is because your readers can opt-in to your feeds. Email advertising and marketing has always been thought to be an excellent way to get traffic but you'll find that there are other Internet marketers who do not build and email list and they only work on building up their list of feed subscribers. Another thing that you'll find about getting folks to sign up to your RSS feed is that it's easier than getting folks to sign up for your email list.
You will also have the ability to syndicate your site content as soon as it is added to your site. The benefit of this is that you are able to automatically get individuals to come back to your site to check out the new content. You need to realize that the more times you get somebody back to your Internet site the better chance you have of getting these individuals to purchase your product.
Of course you will also have the option to use the feed to promote your product directly to your subscribers. As opposed to creating content or even an article to post to your site you just write a sales letter about the product you are advertising. This will additionally automatically distribute your sales letter in to your feed.
Something else that you'll find out concerning this is that you will have the ability to get all the feed emails in the in boxes of your subscribers. If you were to just have an email list you must have recognized that a number of your emails won't get delivered as it's flagged as spam. But in relation to RSS feed emails they consistently get to the subscribers mail box.
Maintaining your RSS feed is not a problem as nothing has to be done to keep it maintained. All you have to do is make sure that your RSS feed is set up once and you never touch it again. The feed automatically updates each time you add new content, you will not even have to check to make sure, it's done all by itself.
If you take your RSS feeds and submit them to RSS aggregators you will also find that you'll be building links to every post you create. When you update your content you will discover that the feeds in the aggregators will also be updated creating back links that point back to your particular web pages where the content is posted.
You'll be able to find various other ways that RSS feeds can help your online business, but we have just covered a few of them here. So if you are not yet using RSS feeds this could be a good time to start.
The first main reason you should be using RSS feeds is because your readers can opt-in to your feeds. Email advertising and marketing has always been thought to be an excellent way to get traffic but you'll find that there are other Internet marketers who do not build and email list and they only work on building up their list of feed subscribers. Another thing that you'll find about getting folks to sign up to your RSS feed is that it's easier than getting folks to sign up for your email list.
You will also have the ability to syndicate your site content as soon as it is added to your site. The benefit of this is that you are able to automatically get individuals to come back to your site to check out the new content. You need to realize that the more times you get somebody back to your Internet site the better chance you have of getting these individuals to purchase your product.
Of course you will also have the option to use the feed to promote your product directly to your subscribers. As opposed to creating content or even an article to post to your site you just write a sales letter about the product you are advertising. This will additionally automatically distribute your sales letter in to your feed.
Something else that you'll find out concerning this is that you will have the ability to get all the feed emails in the in boxes of your subscribers. If you were to just have an email list you must have recognized that a number of your emails won't get delivered as it's flagged as spam. But in relation to RSS feed emails they consistently get to the subscribers mail box.
Maintaining your RSS feed is not a problem as nothing has to be done to keep it maintained. All you have to do is make sure that your RSS feed is set up once and you never touch it again. The feed automatically updates each time you add new content, you will not even have to check to make sure, it's done all by itself.
If you take your RSS feeds and submit them to RSS aggregators you will also find that you'll be building links to every post you create. When you update your content you will discover that the feeds in the aggregators will also be updated creating back links that point back to your particular web pages where the content is posted.
You'll be able to find various other ways that RSS feeds can help your online business, but we have just covered a few of them here. So if you are not yet using RSS feeds this could be a good time to start.
About the Author:
For more tips you can also check out the author's blogs that talk about topics such as legitimate work from home jobs as well as other articles on make money fast ideas.
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