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Contractors Marketing Services Online - Cutting Costs, Not Corners

By Kyle E. Brown

There may be a slowdown in the house construction business, but more contractors today are finding ways to brave the economic downturn.

Hint: You can find plenty of determined contractors marketing their services using the Internet. Instead of paying huge bucks for old-school advertising, you can take your business to the World Wide Web, save cash, and have potential customers latch on to you.

The Shadow Market

The economic downturn created a shadow economy. According to analysts, this economy represents young adults who stay with their parents. Under normal circumstances, the shadow economy does not exist because once people reach legal age, they are supposed to move out.

Because homes today sell cheaper than they used to years ago, employed and driven young adults can be prospective customers for your home improvement company. The young are idealistic and ambitious. They will need a contractor to customize or renovate their purchase.

To reach them, your best bet is through social networking. According to social networking icon Facebook, last year's stats showed a strong presence of these young adults. In fact, the top two groups of users were 18 to 25-year-olds and 26 to 34-year-olds.

Foreclosure Profiteers

It's business as usual for the affluent few who invest in cheaply sold foreclosed homes and convert these to rental properties or even resale units. Whichever route they decide, these folks could use contractor services to implement the improvements.

In other words, they will need you. This segment has the money. You just have to find a way to convince them that it's your company and your services that they require.

For this age group, consider tapping into mobile marketing instead of social networking. If you don't want to give up either choice, then use Twitter. About 33 percent of Twitter's users are past their forties. Fifty-four percent are inclined to use their mobile phone when reading or sending out tweets.

To recall, contractors marketing home improvement services online can target two economies: the shadow market with Facebook and the foreclosure profiteers with Twitter. For guidance, talk to a reputable marketing consultancy firm today.

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