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Choosing Your Type Of Marketing

By Dolores Mcguire

There are a million book and sites out there, either dedicated to attorneys or not, that will offer you 5, 7, or 10 tips on how to improve your marketing. Some of these books and sites offer decent tips and suggestions, while some of them are complete rubbish. I know you know what I'm talking about.

You must've tried following most, if not all, of these tips and suggestions - most attorneys tend to do that - and have met with various results in your attorney marketing. I have been there; I've done all those things suggested to me, just to get more clients. It is anything but easy.

The problem, though, is not that you are listening to the wrong advice. It may be that it is the correct advice, but you just don't have a coordinated and reliable marketing system in place. It's the system that is the key.

Attorneys and law firms can get clients in many, many different ways, through many forms of law firm marketing. One conventional method that has been tried and tested over the years is through referrals from existing and former clients as well as peers. However, getting clients should not rely on any particular or specific method. What you do need is a plan.

When I talk about systems for my clients, it's really nothing more than a cohesive plan that has been broken down into small, concrete steps that my client can follow on a day-by-day or even hour-by-hour basis. This would save you from tarrying too long on one idea when you could move on to another or, conversely, from abandoning a perfectly good idea in favor of a less promising one. "Perhaps today I'll try advertising in magazines, even though my focus yesterday was on search engine optimization."

That is not to say that it is wrong to focus on more than one marketing tool at a time; some become successful in taking multiple routes. But what they don't do is wake up each morning trying to decide what to do that day. They already know, because they have a system in place.

Before you run off and build your own system for attorney marketing, let me give you one important tip. Should you incorporate changes and modifications on your system, they should be done at most once a week. You should sit down every Sunday night and try to figure out what you might need to tweak about your marketing plan, and if you think a lot of change is necessary, then by all means, change it. However, when Friday morning rolls around, you should be sticking to whatever plan you landed on Sunday night, and you should have been doing so all week.

We'll talk more about specific systems in the future, but for now, stay the course.

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