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Slip Ring Motor And Flender Gearbox Applications

By Rahul Talwar

The slip ring motor has a phase-wound rotor and is an induction motor. The slip rings supply power to the rotor circuit and permits for a wide range of speed control. There are types with variable speed drives that recover the slip frequency from the rotor circuit, and are fed back to the supply making it a wide ranged speed at high energy efficiency. A flender gearbox is used in many forms of applications. These are used across the world for numerous reasons together with power, industry and marine markets. Malaysia is part of the worldwide services that are available, giving them an advantage for industries throughout the world.

With a slip ring motor the three phase, double layered rotor provides distributed windings like the kinds of coils in alternators. The core is made from steel laminations which can be slotted as to accommodate the formed phase windings. The slip ring motor is used in uses such as the "squirrel cage" induction motor. This is also an asynchronous motor and the rotor will not run in a synchronous speed with the stator poles.

The construction of a slip ring motor has the stator, rotor, pole and slip rings. The stator is the same for either squirrel cage or slip ring. The rotor is often a phase wound rotor and consists of coils like those utilized in alternators. These windings will be placed electrically apart at one hundred twenty degrees. This is wound for the number of poles the stator has and is all the time three-phase. The slip rings touch the terminal ends, and the carbon brushes help to hold the rings in place with a spring assembly. When there's an external resistance added the rotor resistance will be high at starting, and the current low making the starting torque work at its maximum. The rotor resistance is proportional to the torque of the slip.

A flender gearbox is used as an industrial gearbox. The one for a marine use has a multiple input and a single output. These are used in several diesel engines or motors that may have a propeller. The flender gearbox can be utilized in several other ways such as, conveyor or transport systems, wind energy, escalators or elevators, and many others. Flender makes gearboxes for thousands of applications throughout the world. The flender gearbox is working in fields like power, such as, hydro, steam, wind, coal and circulating water supplying power to businesses and people.

Advantages of utilizing a flender gearbox are the extraordinarily low vibration, high efficiency, customizable power ratings and flexible drive concepts. These are particularly powerful advantages when it comes to having a highly efficient machine working at its peak. The worldwide services are also a significant advantage. They're connected to industries such as Chemicals, steel, sugar and mining. The marine aspects used are propulsion and turbine gearboxes. The slip ring motor has the advantages of being a motor that the speed is controlled easily. It takes a low starting current in comparison to a "squirrel cage" type induction motor. The torque may be achieved from zero RPM.

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