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Ways To Pick An Environmentally Responsive Managed Server Host

By Margie Ball

A system is said to be environmentally friendly when it means no harm to the environment and consume less environmental resources as possible. In present days Environment pollution is a great issue and energy resources have become tight as well. So, human race have no other option but to search for environment or eco -friendly system. By fulfilling some specific require or criteria, we could manage a system in environment friendly way. This goes for a managed server as well. An environment friendly managed hosting service or green server management mean a server system fulfill those criteria. The criteria required to fulfill in order for a green server hosting is the discussable of this article.

The major consideration for managed hosting is power management. A server is quite a power consuming system. Statistic shows that standard managed hosting UK and managed servers consumes about 1000 kWh energy on average and produce 630 kg of CO2 annually which is sure a shocking figure since its quite unbelievable that just by hosting a computer server can cause such damage to the ozone layer. According to a statistic; standard managed hosting UK and managed servers consume about 1000 kWh energy on average and CO2 emission is about 630 kg in annual basis which is quite a shocking and unbelievable amount just for hosting a single computer server. So there is no alternative but to reduce carbon emission by using cleaner energy for server hosting. Renewable powers like; wind power, solar power or biomass facilities may use as the power supply for managed servers.

Another way to help the environment is to reduce energy consumption of a server system. The server itself doesn't need that much of energy that is required for managing a server since the half of total amount is needed for managing climate condition and cooling purpose. As servers never shut down, reducing heat is a great issue for the safety of server (device). Managed hosting service requires air coolers and liquid cooling systems for data center cooling. However if we choose better and environment friendly (as these architecture uses natural flow of air for cooling purpose) architecture for the managed hosting server; we may use the natural cooling which could reduce the number of required cooling device. By choosing a more environment friendly architecture (the architecture which uses natural air flow for cooling purpose) for the managed hosting server; it is possible to reduce the use of cooling device just by utilizing natural cooling system. By using this method one can save a huge amount of power required for managed hosting. Environment pollution can be reduced as well by reducing power consumption. This is the challenge of modern technology as well and for this purpose electronic ICs are designed to consume less power and produce less arrangement for cooling.

A data centre or a managed server needs not a very sophisticated recycling system since it doesn't produce that much of waste compared to an industry a managed ser. However a recycling unit is required for waste management to create a green managed server. Another way for a green managed hosting is to control excess consumption of anything. By raising the consciousness of people engaged in managing or hosting server, excess consumption can be easily avoided.

Forbid yourself from using energy or anything that you do not need actually. A simple step like; turning off the device like; printer, light etc after using may help you to reach your goal. You can minimize daily waste by avoid using excess papers. These are not all but there are several other ways beside conventional ways to manage or host a green managed server system and one should try to customize their own server system in their own way and tunt it into a more eco-friendly one.

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