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There Are Plenty Of Things Which Blog Owners Shouldn't Be Doing And We Are Going To Discuss A Few Of Them Here

By Chase Cooper

In relation to making cash on the net you will see that blogs have realized their way into the mainstream advertising and marketing platform. The simple truth is that blogs have grown to be a fantastic way for folks to wind up getting visitors or traffic to their cash sites and affiliate links. Many folks don't understand that in relation to blogging there some things folks could wind up doing which could ruin their chances of creating traffic. In this post we are going to be checking out a few of the things you ought to and shouldn't be doing in relation to running your blog.

With regards to your blog you are going to discover that you'll be better off to allow individuals to comment on all your posts. With regards to automatically approving blog comments you are going to discover that this may be one of the worst items that you are able to do as this can affect your rankings in the various search engines. Just about anybody who leaves a comment in a blog will wind up leaving a website link pointing back to their web site as a method to promote their website. Chase has been discussing about such subjects for lots of years now and he has of late begun to help persons on the theme of SEO Marketing.

Of course the problem comes when you have a link on your blog that is pointing to a site which Google feels is a spam site or a site that is not related to the topic of your blog. Depending on how bad Google sees these web pages that you're linking to, you could end up having web pages or even your entire site banned from the Google search engine. The best way to stay off of Google's bad side is to make sure you're not linking to bad websites and in order to do this you'll have to approve comments manually.

While many individuals only build links pointing to the home page of the blog you need to actually be building links that point that each and every post you produce. You are going to discover that by utilizing this simple technique and back linking to every page, you will be boosting your search engine results for your individual pages along with your home page. You are able to use any kind of method you want to build these deep links but one of the simplest ways is by utilizing a social bookmarking service. An additional benefit you are going to discover that is related to using social bookmarking is that these social bookmarking sites are going to be able to drive direct traffic right to your web pages.

Something else you're going to want to do is make sure that you keep your blog updated each and every day if this is a possibility for you. Most people know that the search engines love content and when you are bookmarking new content each and every day that you're adding to your blog you're going to have the ability to keep getting the search engines back to your website. If you want to make sure you're getting the most traffic possible to your blog you need to follow the suggestions above and you'll also find that there are many other things you can do which we did not have the time to cover here.

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