More and more businesses nowadays are springing for web hosts. Initially the only option for such businesses is dedicated hosting, meaning the web host is exclusively for that particular business's web site. There are certain drawbacks to dedicated hosting, however. Dedicated hosting is costly, mainly because the owner of the business is effectively the owner of the server. This is problematic, considering the fact that not all business owners can handle server administration tasks as well. This is where the managed dedicated server hosting solution comes in.
Managed hosting was created so that the business side and the server administration side of web sites are clearly separated. Managed hosting companies not only give their clients the freedom to choose their operating system, network connectivity, routing equipment, and total administrative control, they also handle the administrative tasks their clients may not want to bother with.
Managed hosting companies deal with all sorts of tasks, and some managed hosting services even give their clients the option to choose which particular administrative tasks the managed hosting company will handle. This is like being on the fence between fully managed servers and traditional dedicated hosting. However, with a windows managed server, you won't have to worry about administrative tasks such as application management, reporting and monitoring, and load balancing, among other things. The server's storage database, backups, and checking that the site operates at its optimal level will be handles by Windows managed servers and managed server services. The managed hosting service will also deal with security on your server, handling the technical aspects such as provisioning, testing, updating, and release of security patches and upgrades.
Pre-configured plans for windows managed hosting and managed server services are also relatively cheaper. In choosing a managed hosting company, two things should always be kept in mind. Price should not be a determining factor, because you shouldn't compromise the quality of service for price. The first thing to remember is to check the web host's speed and reliability, especially in terms of customer support. It's a good idea to check if the web host's connection to the Internet is fact and reliable. You should also make sure that a backup connection is available. The best managed hosting companies have at least one network operations center in the USA, since that country has the fastest and most reliable Internet connections in the world. It's also a good idea to check the hardware and see if there are warranties and other onsite service contracts involved, since a company's reliability can be apparent in its equipment. The second thing to keep in mind is to check the range and the flexibility of the plans offered by the web host. Good managed hosting companies can agree to modes of payment different from the ones indicated in their pre-packaged plans. You can find these details in the web host's site.
Since you'll be entrusting a significant part of your business to a managed hosting company, it's important to do adequate research before making any major decisions.
Managed hosting was created so that the business side and the server administration side of web sites are clearly separated. Managed hosting companies not only give their clients the freedom to choose their operating system, network connectivity, routing equipment, and total administrative control, they also handle the administrative tasks their clients may not want to bother with.
Managed hosting companies deal with all sorts of tasks, and some managed hosting services even give their clients the option to choose which particular administrative tasks the managed hosting company will handle. This is like being on the fence between fully managed servers and traditional dedicated hosting. However, with a windows managed server, you won't have to worry about administrative tasks such as application management, reporting and monitoring, and load balancing, among other things. The server's storage database, backups, and checking that the site operates at its optimal level will be handles by Windows managed servers and managed server services. The managed hosting service will also deal with security on your server, handling the technical aspects such as provisioning, testing, updating, and release of security patches and upgrades.
Pre-configured plans for windows managed hosting and managed server services are also relatively cheaper. In choosing a managed hosting company, two things should always be kept in mind. Price should not be a determining factor, because you shouldn't compromise the quality of service for price. The first thing to remember is to check the web host's speed and reliability, especially in terms of customer support. It's a good idea to check if the web host's connection to the Internet is fact and reliable. You should also make sure that a backup connection is available. The best managed hosting companies have at least one network operations center in the USA, since that country has the fastest and most reliable Internet connections in the world. It's also a good idea to check the hardware and see if there are warranties and other onsite service contracts involved, since a company's reliability can be apparent in its equipment. The second thing to keep in mind is to check the range and the flexibility of the plans offered by the web host. Good managed hosting companies can agree to modes of payment different from the ones indicated in their pre-packaged plans. You can find these details in the web host's site.
Since you'll be entrusting a significant part of your business to a managed hosting company, it's important to do adequate research before making any major decisions.
About the Author:
For a managed server host check out Catalyst2. Catalyst2 also offer wordpress hosting.
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