If you decide to set up multitude of sites as a part of your internet marketing plan, you will require a domain registrar to help you with this. You will see that there are business people who maintain accounts with several registrars in order to keep their options open. When you pick a registrar, you must keep a number of things in mind. While cost is a major factor, you also want to consider client service and how easy it is to manage your domains in their system. One of the leading providers in the marketplace is Namecheap and in this article we will look at what you can expect if you opt to use them for your domain registrations.
Namecheap opened its doors in 2000 and today they have around half a million customers and two million domains registered with them. This is an important statistic since you know you are dealing with a company that is experienced in their business. When looking at price, it's best to consider all the services a registrar offers. For example, when you register a new domain with Namecheap, they include one year of WhoisGuard privacy protection at no additional cost. You could also take advantage of a new promotion code every month by signing up to their monthly newsletter to receive the announcements. So in reality with price it is usually a matter of assessing if you are comparing like with like.
In terms of consumer experience, what you will see when you enter the Namecheap site is a very clear interface having been recently redesigned. While trying to find possible new domains to register, you can quickly see which of the major domain extensions are available and you are also provided with ideas for other premium domains you can buy for a higher price. Going through the buying process at Namecheap is simple and you'll not be bombarded with all kinds of other offers while completing your purchase. The idea behind Namecheap is simplicity and they appear to have been successful with it.
In terms of controlling your domains once you have paid for them, you will find that once again this all quite simple. You are going to receive ample notice of expiring domains and will be able to see these in your domain list anytime that you log in to your account. Registrar support is essential, particularly if a problem happens and you need help right away. Namecheap does provide a 24/7 support system and live chat is available if needed. Customer support is certainly important to them as they regularly interact with their followers through social networking.
Namecheap has been in the domain registration business for many years and they offer it positive customer experience coupled with exceptional support.
Namecheap opened its doors in 2000 and today they have around half a million customers and two million domains registered with them. This is an important statistic since you know you are dealing with a company that is experienced in their business. When looking at price, it's best to consider all the services a registrar offers. For example, when you register a new domain with Namecheap, they include one year of WhoisGuard privacy protection at no additional cost. You could also take advantage of a new promotion code every month by signing up to their monthly newsletter to receive the announcements. So in reality with price it is usually a matter of assessing if you are comparing like with like.
In terms of consumer experience, what you will see when you enter the Namecheap site is a very clear interface having been recently redesigned. While trying to find possible new domains to register, you can quickly see which of the major domain extensions are available and you are also provided with ideas for other premium domains you can buy for a higher price. Going through the buying process at Namecheap is simple and you'll not be bombarded with all kinds of other offers while completing your purchase. The idea behind Namecheap is simplicity and they appear to have been successful with it.
In terms of controlling your domains once you have paid for them, you will find that once again this all quite simple. You are going to receive ample notice of expiring domains and will be able to see these in your domain list anytime that you log in to your account. Registrar support is essential, particularly if a problem happens and you need help right away. Namecheap does provide a 24/7 support system and live chat is available if needed. Customer support is certainly important to them as they regularly interact with their followers through social networking.
Namecheap has been in the domain registration business for many years and they offer it positive customer experience coupled with exceptional support.
About the Author:
Virginia T. Hammond writes about Register Your Domains along with Wedding Speeches Mother of the Bride . To know more about Mother of the Bride Speeches click here.
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