Today all we hear about is how we should recycle everything to save our planet from peril. Must we really go to all of that effort? Think about the fact that a single plastic shopping bag can take up to 1,000 years to completely break down. That's a long time, and don't forget that's just one plastic bag. Imagine the number of plastic shopping and trash bags you use each year. Then times that by everyone in the country... it all adds up. We can decide to reuse it by recycling and keep it from sitting in a landfill decomposing for years. Numerous things can be recycled such as plastic bags being used to make clothing and old tires being used in constructing children's playgrounds. Almost all things can be recycled.
The town of Lemoore, California began a stringent recycling program 15 years ago. If the residents of Lemoore did not observe the recycling rules, they were fined. Many of the people opted to follow and the town benefited immensely from recycling. A new water park and a new playground were built. Recycling likewise helped to fund basic municipal requirements, such as a police department, a fire station and funding for kids who go pre-school. So, you can tell that recycling can produce money for other things as well as decrease the amount of scrap going to the landfill.
Most likely, you think that you as a single person can't make a huge difference by your recycling but just visualize how much the world would change if everyone did some recycling. Land fill sites would be much smaller, meaning they are more low-cost to manage as well as not leaving a horrible scar on the surrounding landscape. Don't forget that money can be made for poor communities from recycling and the environment will benefit as well! Everyone profits.
Consider the quandary of animals even if you're not truly into recycling. Issues in our environment like global warming are not only damaging the planet but harming wildlife as well. You can help to protect the environment and leave a healthy planet for your kids by doing some recycling.
Imagine how long it takes one thing to rot. You may remember that a plastic bag does not rot until almost 1000 years later. A glass jar may in reality take up to one million years to break down and styrofoam may never rot at all while other items, such as disposable diapers and milk bottles, can take hundreds of years. Because all of these things can be recycled, why should we toss them out?
Naturally, currently we don't have the technology to recycle some items but this could change soon. In the meanwhile, there is no excuse for not recycling things including plastics, metals and glass. Recycling these things is pretty convenient in many communities and is not costly, so it's a superb idea to help the environment. If everybody helped, a world of good would be done.
The town of Lemoore, California began a stringent recycling program 15 years ago. If the residents of Lemoore did not observe the recycling rules, they were fined. Many of the people opted to follow and the town benefited immensely from recycling. A new water park and a new playground were built. Recycling likewise helped to fund basic municipal requirements, such as a police department, a fire station and funding for kids who go pre-school. So, you can tell that recycling can produce money for other things as well as decrease the amount of scrap going to the landfill.
Most likely, you think that you as a single person can't make a huge difference by your recycling but just visualize how much the world would change if everyone did some recycling. Land fill sites would be much smaller, meaning they are more low-cost to manage as well as not leaving a horrible scar on the surrounding landscape. Don't forget that money can be made for poor communities from recycling and the environment will benefit as well! Everyone profits.
Consider the quandary of animals even if you're not truly into recycling. Issues in our environment like global warming are not only damaging the planet but harming wildlife as well. You can help to protect the environment and leave a healthy planet for your kids by doing some recycling.
Imagine how long it takes one thing to rot. You may remember that a plastic bag does not rot until almost 1000 years later. A glass jar may in reality take up to one million years to break down and styrofoam may never rot at all while other items, such as disposable diapers and milk bottles, can take hundreds of years. Because all of these things can be recycled, why should we toss them out?
Naturally, currently we don't have the technology to recycle some items but this could change soon. In the meanwhile, there is no excuse for not recycling things including plastics, metals and glass. Recycling these things is pretty convenient in many communities and is not costly, so it's a superb idea to help the environment. If everybody helped, a world of good would be done.
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