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A Case Study of IncomeAtHome Keyword Marketing Tricks

By Ryn Young

One of the recent hot ways to generate incoming traffic for a website is to use the keywords of large advertisers on your own site. For example, researching the advertisers that are spending the most money via tv, radio and print, then using the keywords they are featuring on your own site to try to attract consumers who are looking for the specific advertiser to visit your site instead.

Let's look at a large scale example and then we will show you a specific example as it relates to the work at home marketplace.

Let's take the example of a large shoe company like Nike, who runs an ad campaign during the Super Bowl. If I run a website where I earn a referral fee every time someone visits my site and then orders a pair of Reebok's, how do you think I would get more traffic to my site? Would it be more effective to attract people by saying "Great Reebok sneakers, best deals!" or how about "Don't buy Nike's until you read this!"?

So what's the trick? Putting the word "Nike" in the second example is going to allow the site to come up in searches of people who viewed the Super Bowl ad and then type in Nike. They will come to the website thinking they will be reading something about Nike, but after I finish telling them how bad Nike's are, I give them my recommended solution, Reeboks! If they take me at my word and order Reebok's, I get a nice referral commission, thanks to Nike's advertising efforts driving me more traffic.

While this is oversimplifying the complex idea of SEO, this is essentially a common practice to attract visitors. This practice starts to blur the lines of ethics for us when you are intentionally degrading another product only to shill your own often times inferior product to the consumer. No, we aren't talking about Reebok's sorry we should have said the shoe analogy is over.

The consumer is likely not finding what they were actually looking for and now you are redirecting them only because you earn a commission on Product B.

So let's look at an example from the online marketing world.

If you spend time listening to talk radio or are engaged in your own online search for work at home jobs then you have likely heard of IncomeAtHome. With their coverage, the advertising spend must be in the $1-2 million range, making it tough to miss them.

This popularity also means that if you search for IncomeAtHome online, you are likely to see dozens of links that come up that have nothing to do with the actual company behind IncomeAtHome. These sites will grab your attention with statements like "IncomeAtHome Scam Review", "IncomeAtHome - Don't Join Until You Read This!"

What happens when you get to their site? You may find a brief overview of IncomeAtHome, some comments from scorned consumers and then not surprisingly you will find the authors offering to redirect you to their top recommended program! Which guess what? I will bet you my next meal that the author is getting paid a referral fee for getting you to that site.

The next time you are searching for a product or service online, be it IncomeAtHome, another work at home offer or similar business just be cautious of competitors luring you into their websites by promising you secret insight. There are a few legitimate review sites out there, and we strongly recommend research before undertaking any work at home opportunity, but be wary of how you get to a website. If you take a look and find they are simply redirecting you to a competing service, take a second to step back and think about the motives of the author of that site!

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