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The Panda Mistakes On Your Business Site To Watch Out For

By Clinton Ozer

Panda is one bear that has a big bite - as many Internet businesses learned the hard way. Sometimes it's nearly impossible to pull your site back up once it's taken the Panda bear torpedo to the bottom of the SERPs. Now you must take a step back and figure out how to fix the problems so you can move your business forward again. While it's the perfect question to ask, it's also one that no one can answer for you. There are many different mitigating factors including how long it might take your business to bounce back, that need to be factored in. But for now you can read about the following Panda mistakes and maybe they are something you have not considered.

Low quality websites are targeted by this update. If this is what you have, you need to listen up. You could do things the right way by simply redoing everything that you have done correctly. It is possible to get back into the game. However, we can't tell you exactly what you need to do.

One practice that has always been an SEO mistake, in Google's eyes, is buying backlinks. If you want to buy backlinks, be careful, as Panda and Google are not happy with people that do this. You can use high PR backlinks to generate traffic to your website. They are available almost everywhere. Anyone that does this is risking quite a bit, especially if they do it regularly. Any website that sells their services or backlinks is well known on the Internet. These types of websites are often easy for Google to find. Be careful! Any links that you buy the goods your website can be traced back to its original source.

Using the canonical tag for cross-domains is one way that you can fix this situation. The point of doing this is that it assigns the content to one particular URL as being the primary source of that content. So you won't have to deal with duplicate content issues anymore when you do this. By doing this, Google will understand where the original content came from. If you don't do this, they will not.

You don't have to recover your Panda-related losses overnight but the sooner you get serious about rebuilding your business the faster life can get back to normal for you. But actually the only really difficult part would concern backlinking. Don't start with a massive site-wide overhaul. Start with your content from the beginning. Hard work like this will pay off well for you when all is said and done.

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